British Embassy Berne
The contact details for the Embassy has been listed below with their contact details and also a map to the British Embassy in Berne. There are a number of other Embassies in the city. These are the Royal Thai Embassy in Switzerland, Canadian Embassy in Switzerland and the US Embassy in Switzerland. Likewise note the National Day of Switzerland when everything closes down for the day of celebration.
Firstly if you have lost your British passport while in Switzerland then you will need to report this to the Swiss police. Secondly they will provide you with a police report so that you can provide this to the British Embassy to show that it has been reported lost. Thirdly you will need to obtain an emergency passport so you can leave the country. You can also wait for a new passport. Finally see the passport fees for the new passport.
If you are getting married then you will need a letter of no impediment from the Embassy. This shows that you are single. Your divorce certificate or death certificate of your last spouse must also go with this application. Then wait a few days and then collect the letter. Take this to be verified by the Swiss government as authentic and then translate and certify the translation. You can now use these documents to register you marriage in Switzerland.
Note that they are able to offer notarial services, including administer an oath, affirmation or affidavit; make a certified copy of a document and witness a signature.
British Embassy SwitzerlandThunstrasse 50
Opening Hours Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 12:30 and 13:30 to 16:30 Consular Hours Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm
See also the British High Commission in Ghana and the British Embassy in Iceland and the British Embassy in Kuwait.