British Consulate Rio de Janeiro

British ConsulateSee the contact details for the British Consulate Rio de Janeiro. On holiday in  Rio de Janeiro and in need of assistance then contact the Consulate for consular assistance. You can also contact the British Embassy in

Brasilia for assistance if the Consulate cannot assist you. The contact details for the British Consulate in Rio has been listed below with a map and telephone and street address details.

British Consulate Rio de Janeiro

You can speak to the Consulate about a British visa such as a partner visa or education visa for the United Kingdom. You can also ask for advice on local lawyers and hospitals. See: Consulado Geral Britânico.

Founded in 1565 by the Portuguese, the town used to be originally the seat of the Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro, a area of the Portuguese Empire. In 1763, it grew to become the capital of the State of Brazil, a kingdom of the Portuguese Empire. In 1808, when the Portuguese Royal Court moved to Brazil, Rio de Janeiro grew to become the seat of the courtroom of Queen Maria I of Portugal. She subsequently, below the management of her son the prince regent João VI of Portugal, raised Brazil to the dignity of a kingdom, inside the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and Algarves.

British Consulate Rio de Janeiro


British Consulate General Rio de Janeiro Office

Consulate General Rio de Janeiro
Praia do Flamengo, 284 – Flamengo
CEP 22210-065 Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro


There are other British Consulates around the world. These include the British Consulate in Recife as well as the British Embassy in Spain. There are also answers for others such as BNO was never meant to be?. See what you will need to know when it comes to the United Kingdom.



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