These are the BNO Visa Free Countries. If you hold onto a BNO passport then you can enter the UK for 6 months without the need for a visa. The following countries also do not require a visa when traveling on a BNO passport. The listing is from the older British government website which no long holds any BNO information. Likewise if you have any questions about your BNO renewal
BNO Visa Free Countries
下列國家及地區同意給予BN(O)護照持有人免簽證或落地簽證待遇 (最後更新日期:2010年3月26日). The following countries and territories have agreed to give BN (O) passport holders visa-free entry or landing visa (Last updated: March 26, 2010). Note also that the BNO is for life and you can renew the BNO passport.
Additionally note the issues with regards to the BNO passport as listed below. Again your children cannot get this status but you also cannot lose the status even if your passport has expired. Check with the British Embassy for more information.
- The BNO can only be acquired by registration and is not automatic;
- The BNO could only be acquired before the end of the registration period in 1997;
- The BNO can be held with another nationality such as British or Chinese;
- The BNO cannot be transmitted to children of British Nationals (Overseas);
- The BNO once renounced cannot be regained.
- BNO holders can enter the United Kingdom for up to six months as a visitor, but must obtain a visa to reside in the UK for more than six months or to study or work there.
- British Nationals (Overseas) are legally entitled to hold a passport in that status – there is no discretion to refuse to issue a passport.
- British Nationals (Overseas) who held no other citizenship on 19 March 2009 are entitled to register as full British citizens.
Check with the embassy of the country first before traveling to country.
- Albania* 阿爾巴尼亞*
- Anguilla 安圭拉島
- Argentina 阿根廷
- Aruba 阿魯巴
- Austria 奧地利 (Schengen)
- Bahamas 巴哈馬
- Bahrain* 巴林*
- Bangladesh* 孟加拉*
- Barbados 巴巴多斯
- Belgium 比利時 (Schengen)
- Belize 伯利茲
- Bermuda 百慕達
- Botswana 博茨瓦納
- Brazil 巴西
- British Virgin Islands 英屬維爾京群島
- Canada 加拿大
- Cayman Islands 開曼群島
- Chile 智利
- Colombia 哥倫比亞
- Cook Islands 庫克群島
- Costa Rica 哥斯達尼加
- Croatia 克羅地亞
- Czech Republic 捷克共和國 (Schengen)
- Denmark 丹麥 (Schengen)
- Dominica (Commonwealth of) 多米尼加(聯邦)
- East Timor* 東帝汶*
- Ecuador 厄瓜多爾
- Falkland Islands 福克蘭群島
- Faroe Islands 法魯島
- Fiji 斐濟
- Finland 芬蘭 (Schengen)
- France 法國 (Schengen)
- French Polynesia 法屬玻里尼西亞
- French Southern Hemisphere and Antarctic Lands 法屬南方和南極洲領地
- Gambia 岡比亞
- Germany 德國 (Schengen)
- Gibraltar 直布羅陀
- Greece 希臘 (Schengen)
- Greenland 格陵蘭
- Grenada 格林納達
- Guadeloupe 哥德洛普島
- Guam 關島
- Guyane 法屬圭亞那
- Haiti 海地
- Honduras 洪都拉斯
- Hungary 匈牙利 (Schengen)
- Iceland 冰島 (Schengen)
- Indonesia* 印尼*
- Irish Republic 愛爾蘭共和國
- Israel* 以色列*
- Italy 意大利 (Schengen)
- Jamaica 牙買加
- Japan 日本
- Jordan* 約旦*
- Kiribati 基里巴斯
- Korea (South) 南韓
- Kuwait 科威特
- La Reunion 留尼汪
- Lesotho 萊索托
- Liechtenstein 列支敦士登
- Luxembourg 盧森堡 (Schengen)
- Malawi 馬拉維
- Malaysia 馬來西亞
- Maldives* 馬爾代夫*
- Martinique 馬提尼克
- Mauritius 毛里求斯
- Mayotte 馬約特
- Mexico 墨西哥
- Micronesia (Federal State of) 密克羅尼西亞聯邦國
- Montenegro (Republic of) 黑山共和國 #
- Montserrat 蒙特塞拉特島
- Namibia 納米比亞
- Netherlands 荷蘭 (Schengen)
- Neth. Antilles 荷屬安的列斯
- New Zealand 新西蘭
- Nicaragua* 尼加拉瓜*
- Niue 紐埃
- Northern Mariana Islands 北馬里亞納群島
- Norway 挪威 (Schengen)
- Papua New Guinea* 巴布亞新幾內亞*
- Paraguay 巴拉圭
- Peru 秘魯
- Philippines 菲律賓
- Pitcarin, Henderson, Ducie & Oeno Islands 皮特、亨德森、杜斯及奧埃諾島
- Poland 波蘭 (Schengen)
- Portugal 葡萄牙 (Schengen)
- Saint Pierre and Miquelon 聖皮埃爾和密克隆群島
- Samoa Island 薩摩亞群島
- San Marino 聖馬力諾
- Serbia (Republic of) 塞爾維亞共和國 #
- Seychelles 塞舌爾
- Singapore 新加坡
- Solomon Islands 所羅門群島
- South Africa 南非
- Spain 西班牙 (Schengen)
- Sri Lanka 斯里蘭卡
- St Helena 聖赫勒拿
- St Kitts – Nevis Anguilla 聖基茨-尼維斯安圭拉島
- St Lucia 聖盧西亞
- St Vincent/The Grenadines 聖文森特 / 格林納丁斯
- Swaziland 斯威士蘭
- Sweden 瑞典 (Schengen)
- Switzerland 瑞士 (Schengen)
- Thailand 泰國
- Tonga 通加
- Trinidad & Tobago 特立尼達和多巴哥
- Tunisia 突尼斯
- Turks & Caicos Islands 特克斯和凱科斯群島
- Tuvalu 圖瓦盧
- United Kingdom 英國
- Uruguay 烏拉圭
- Vanuatu 瓦努阿圖
- Vatican City 梵蒂岡
- Venezuela 委內瑞拉
- Wallis and Futuna 瓦利斯和富圖納群島
- Western Samoa 西薩摩亞
- Zambia* 贊比亞*
- Zimbabwe* 津巴布韋*
* 簽證將於入境時簽發。
# 沒有預訂酒店的旅客須於入境24小時內向當地警方登記。
Update : For Vietnam you will need a visa before visiting Vietnam. See here.
Update : For UAE you will need a visa before visiting Dubai. See here.
Update : BNO passport holders don’t generally need a visa for Schengen area. See here.